
Get to know your customer first

Your customer get a push notification to access your wifi as they enter your restaurant.Next, they connect to your wifi via Facebook , Instagram  Email or Phone number.Instantly get a hold of who they are complete with their Gender Age and when they Visited you.


Target your customers by email or SMS 

Automate email marketing based on their visit.   Bring back customer & increase Retention​Send emails to your customers on their Birthday'sIncrease Customer Loyalty by rewarding after 10x visits

Trusted by Great Restaurants

How Will IoT Make My Restaurant More Efficient?

Eatobia is leveraging data and connected devices to streamline operations using Internet of Things (IoT). We are powering restaurant to make them SMART.

Inventory Control and Management

Keep track of inventory easily and remotely. By placing sensors on inventory we can adjust sales and daily orders and replacement orders are generated whenever an item is about to run out.

Never run out of stock of anything.

Improved Guest Experience

Using sensors, client smartphones, in store beacons, and WIFI we will be able to send better emails to your guest.

"It’s raining, and Jake is nearby. Offer him a hot drink upgrade or a muffin combo instead of his regular coffee." This is hands-down a more engaging way to approach loyalty than giving him yet another stamp on a piece of cardboard (assuming he remembers to bring it in).

Quality Control

Using sensors, temperature probe, barcode scanner and RFID infrared temperature reader, you can monitor and track your food across the supply chain. This will ensure that your food is properly adjusted and the proper quality is followed food safety protocol.

Reduced Energy Use and Costs

The Internet of Things in your restaurant will reduce energy expenses on HVAC, refrigeration, and lighting. It will limit equipment downtime by anticipating maintenance and it will predict equipment replacement, which facilitates planned capital expenditures.

IoT and Compliance

As an alternative to paper-based monitoring and reporting for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) compliance as mandated by law, mobile devices are preloaded with HACCP checklists that prompt workers to perform required inspections, verify that they were completed, and then gather and transmit data to the cloud where it is stored, analyzed, and reported for compliance.

Our Pricing

Increasing customer retention rates by 5% which in turn will increases profits by 95%.



  • Wifi Hotspot
  • Wifi Dashboard
  • Increase Google/Yelp review
  • Loyalty tracking



  • Everything in startup
  • Email generated templates
  • Includes mailchimp integration
  • Export list with integration


Contact us

  • 5 locations +
  • router offline support
  • Facebook campaign
  • Franchising funnel building

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